Do judges and juries understand the ins and outs of advertising online? Do they know the difference between Google ads, Google AdWords, Facebook ads, the Google display network, and other nuances of digital advertising? I kind of doubt it. That’s why you need an online advertising expert witness like me if you are an attorney involved in a dispute over digital advertising.You need an expert to explain online advertising to a judge and jury

Let’s face it. The technicalities of online advertising are just that: technical. For instance, a judge and jury may just have heard the words “Google Adwords” but what they almost certainly won’t know is that there is no such thing. Certainly, there used to be, but Google changed the name on July 24th, 2018: it is now just Google Ads. It’s the same thing, but with a different name.

That might seem like a minor detail if you are an advertiser. Who cares what Google calls it? They still charge you for advertising on their platform, whatever they choose to call it. However, it’s a different matter if you are involved in a court case because it could make the difference between winning it and losing it, and result in large sums of money being lost on one side or the other. These things may seem unimportant, but in a court of law, they are not.

I Understand These Things

As an online advertising expert witness, I understand these things. I am also an expert in SEO and in social media. This is important whether you wish to advertise on, say, Facebook, or are involved in a court case. For example, did you know that you should not advertise on Facebook in order to sell stuff? You will lose money.

Facebook themselves say that their advertising should be used to generate demand, not to fulfill it. As they say, their users are not on Facebook to buy things, they are there to connect with their friends. The upshot of that is that if you are an advertiser and try to use Facebook to sell stuff you will lose money. So you place an advert in order to catch people’s attention and raise their interest in your product and then your ad directs them to your website or wherever you want them to go to learn more. But you don’t try to sell directly off the page. How many judges and jury members would know that? Surely, advertising is about selling things?

As I said, I am an online advertising expert witness and if you are involved in a lawsuit that revolves around online advertising, then I’m your man. I understand this stuff.

But most importantly, I can explain it to a judge and jury in language that they can understand.