Facebook has rebranded itself as META. So that it connects with the metaverse. But what is the metaverse? Mark Zuckerberg and Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft, since you ask) say that it is the future of the internet. Or maybe it is a video game? Or perhaps another version of TikTok?Does anyone really understand what the metaverse is?

It’s very complex. Heck, I’m not even sure that Zuckerberg understands it. But the stock of Meta / Facebook has bombed, and so has employee morale.

However, according to the website Wired (www.wired.com) although it is a complex term, they say that if you substitute the word “metaverse” with “cyberspace”, 90% of the time the meaning “won’t substantially change”. Quite what it means the other 10% of the time is anyone’s guess.

Another way of looking at it is that the metaverse can include virtual reality which is characterized by virtual worlds in online games that continue to exist even when you are not playing them. Or they could be connected to NFTs. It’s all very tricky.

However, let’s return to the present when Meta is the name of the company that owns Facebook and Instagram. And where all sorts of comments and remarks occur that can have a damaging effect on people’s businesses because someone accuses yours of failing to do something, doing something that you shouldn’t have done, or perhaps copying your advertising or accusing you of charging too much, or one of a hundred other possibilities that can affect the bottom line. It may then come to a point when you need to take legal action in order to prevent such issues occurring.

You Need an Expert Witness on Online Ads

Or it could be the other way around. Someone accuses you of something that you didn’t do, and then issues a legal claim against you. Whatever the situation, you will need someone who understands social media and the way that it all functions, and can act as an expert witness in META. Someone who can dig around and find the truth and then explain it in a court of law to a judge and jury in simple English.

You need to be able to do this because judges and juries are not experts in social media nor yet in technology in most cases. After all, a jury is composed of the proverbial man (and woman) in the street, so they are unlikely to be experts in high tech. They are chosen because they are ordinary people.

However, they still need to be able to understand what happened, who said or did what, when, what the result was, and so on. So, you need an expert witness in META such as me in order to explain in words they can understand.

As an expert witness in META, I can help you win the day and obtain any compensation that is rightfully yours.