SEO Consulting by a True SEO Expert

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the art and science of getting a company, product, or service to the top of Google. Yes, there are other search engines, but Google is the big one. So, for most intents and purposes, SEO is the art and science of getting your company to the top of Google. To do so, requires an understanding not just of the keyword targets but of On Page SEO (how to build websites and content), Off Page SEO (links, social authority, and reviews), and technical SEO (websites speed, Google search console, etc.). Yes, it’s complicated! But with some skill and effort, we can work together on SEO-friendly content, SEO-aware link-building, and the technical aspects that will propel your website to teh top of Google.

SEO Consulting Deliverables:

Search Engine Optimization - a presentation by an SEO Expert to a corporate group.I work with companies nation-wide, but my passion is small businesses and especially small local businesses. I love helping entrepreneurs innovate and small businesses get to the top of Google via SEO. What matters is that you want to get to the top of Google, using search engine optimization, and I can consult with you on your Internet marketing needs. I provide professional SEO consulting and corporate training based on the following search optimization tasks:

  • Goal Assessment – what are your SEO goals? It is to drive web traffic? Is it to get registrations? Is it to get “click-and-buy” actions? Without a clear idea of your goals, you will never know if you succeed.
  • Keywords – Keywords are the foundation of good Internet marketing and SEO. I will work with you to develop a robust, insightful keyword worksheet.
  • On Page Optimization – Many websites are poorly optimized, at best. I will identify the best tags for you and position your keywords inside those tags. In addition, I will work with you on Web-friendly content.
  • Off Page Optimization – getting links is just the beginning. There are many tricks to the trade of link generation, and I know them all. I have an extensive PR and marketing background that is more than just technical SEO.
  • Technical SEO – website speed, XML sitemaps, Google Search Console, etc.
  • Metrics – Google Analytics and beyond. Today everything is about metrics, including your PPC (pay-per-click) advertising. Let me teach you the best ways to get metrics.

Any questions? Please contact me as your potential customers are out there searching Google, Bing, and Yahoo today!

SEO Expert

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is like giving directions to a website so that search engines like Google can easily find it. Just as clear signs help you find a store in a big mall, SEO uses specific words and phrases (keywords) that people might use when searching online. Websites with good SEO are more likely to appear higher up in search results. It’s not just about using keywords; SEO also involves making websites easy to navigate and loading quickly on phones and computers. Think of it as making your favorite hangout spot easy for everyone to find and enjoy!