Social Media Consulting by a True Social Media Expert

Got Social Media Marketing questions? Questions on Facebook, X (Twitter), or YouTube marketing? Not what is the best website building site to help bring all your social media platforms together? Questions about how to “throw” a party on social media, on everything ranging from “sending out the invitations” to “dealing with problem attendees?” I define social media marketing as the art and science of “throwing” great parties on the Internet. Many of us have “shown up” on social media – e.g., checked out Twitter, looked at some videos on YouTube, read some posts on Facebook… that’s “showing up” at the party, but how many of us have “thrown” the parties? That means, how many have a) set up a Facebook Page, b) populated it with interesting and fun posts, c) promoted it, and d) measured its effectiveness as a digital marketing vehicle.

Dare I say, not many! So my approach as a social media marketing expert here in San Francisco is to work with you to “throw” a better party on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

Beyond my course taught for Stanford Continuing Studies on social media marketing, I receive many requests for either individual, “on site” instruction in Social Media marketing for hi-tech companies or social media consulting. I am available for both Social Media consulting and corporate training. I also work with non-hi-tech companies – any company that can benefit from a robust social media strategy is a great match. After SEO, Social Media has become a major way that customers not only find your company but also bond with your company in a continuing marketing relationship! Currently, you might be using customized SEO services that can help you create a stronger platform for your business online. Good SEO can make your business more visible to customers and help it rank higher on search engines. You now need to do the same with your social platforms.

Social Media Consulting – Deliverables:

Social Media Marketing Consultant in San FranciscoI work with companies nation-wide, but often I consult with companies in the San Francisco Bay Area or Silicon Valley companies on their social media marketing strategies. Because of the Internet, it doesn’t really matter where your company is physically located. What matters is that you want to leverage Social Media Marketing for success, whether it be by opting to buy TikTok followers (not recommended!), or going through other platforms. There are many choices for which way to go about this, and I can consult with you on your Social Media needs or as your resident Social Media expert. I provide professional Social Media consulting and Social Media corporate training with regard to the following –

  • Goal Assessment – what are your Social Media goals? It is to drive web traffic? Is it to get registrations? Is it to get “click-and-buy” actions? Without a clear idea of your goals, you will never know if you succeed.
  • Social Media – Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram– these fundamental social media websites can be a great fit for expanding your brand. But they also may be unnecessary. I work with my clients to identify the best social media venues, and to overcome social media guilt; you do not need to do them all – just the ones that really benefit your company. For example, if you are looking for engagement on certain clothing items, using Instagram to promote them might be a better option than something like LinkedIn.
  • Social Media Monitoring – Social Media are a great way to listen to your customers. I can work with you on a monitoring plan in order to listen to your customers, and use Social Media as a means for researching your customers.
  • Facebook Consulting – Facebook is the largest social media marketing platform, and I work with you as an expert in Facebook marketing. You may be looking for a Facebook expert in San Francisco, but – again – it doesn’t matter where I am and where you are. I will work as your Facebook marketing consultant, whether you’re in San Francisco, Oakland, Tulsa, Topeka, Kansas… you get the picture – anywhere in the world.
  • Blogging – Blogging is the oldest and most mature Social Media opportunity. I can help you set up a blog, and more importantly advise you on what to blog about for maximum traffic. My SEO expertise fits nicely with blogging as well. I believe in blogging and I can help you blog for both SEO and social media marketing success.
  • YouTube – YouTube has a special relationship with Google, and I can advise you on setting up appropriate Youtube videos as well as a Youtube channel.

Any questions? Please contact me as your potential customers are out there on Facebook and X (Twitter), LinkedIn and Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram, today!

Social Media Consulting by a True Expert in Social Media

Hiring a social media consultant for a small business is akin to having a seasoned party planner for a gathering. Just as a good host understands their guests’ preferences and ensures a memorable event, a social media consultant dives deep into a business’s value proposition and target buyer personas. They tailor content marketing strategies to resonate with these audiences across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn, ensuring each message fits the platform’s unique vibe and audience demographics.

Firstly, understanding the business’s value proposition is crucial. It’s like defining the theme of the party—the consultant identifies what sets the business apart and crafts messaging that highlights these unique selling points. Next, identifying target buyer personas is akin to inviting the right guests—the consultant pinpoints who the business wants to engage with and tailors content to attract and retain their interest.

Moreover, leveraging each platform effectively is key to maximizing impact. Just as a party planner selects the perfect venue and decor for the occasion, a social media consultant chooses the most suitable platforms where the target audience congregates. Whether it’s the visual allure of Instagram or the professional networking opportunities on LinkedIn, each platform serves a purpose in building brand visibility and engaging potential customers.

Ultimately, the consultant’s role is to ensure the business stands out in the crowded social media landscape, nurturing relationships with followers that translate into increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and, ultimately, higher sales.