Many people have a very skeptical attitude towards Twitter. I can see why, especially given our current president.

Twitter advertising explained by a Twitter marketing expert in the Bay Area

Photo credit: clasesdeperiodismo via / CC BY-SA

Quite a few people on both the Left and the Right think he would do better if he did a bit less tweeting and a bit more governing. (You can check him out at @RealDonaldTrump). But let’s leave politics aside and focus on the value of Twitter advertising. It actually has some great advantages compared with other forms of social media.

Twitter has over 500 million users. It is not as big as Facebook, but any type of business, large or small, can advertise to consumers anywhere on the planet by using just 140 characters. And we all know how important advertising is, for the success of any business. Not just through twitter though, plenty of businesses will use things like these customer banners, yard signs. However, more and more people have now started to use Twitter as a form of advertising, and it’s pretty successful.

Twitter has a number of options called Promoted Products. In a similar way to Google Adwords, you only pay when an action is taken. This can be when your tweet is favorited, retweeted, clicked on, or replied to.

One of the ways you can use Twitter advertising is by having a promoted tweet. When you do this, your tweet is shown at the top of your followers’ feed, above those of any competitor, so you can grab your followers’ attention. Twitter also helps you by doing some of the work for you, because when you use a promoted tweet not only does it go on your followers’ feeds, but Twitter will actively find other people who have similar characteristics to your followers and will promote your tweet on their feeds as well.

Target Specific Keywords; Use a Twitter Marketing Expert

You can also target your advertising to people who have used a certain word or hashtag in their tweets in the last seven days, and also to other people who have interacted with those tweets. This means that you can target any specific keywords that you wish. You can also target geographically which is a great idea. If you have a business that is local to San Francisco or the wider Bay Area you can simply target Twitter users in the area where your customers live.

In addition you can target other Twitter users who engage with specific accounts with your Twitter advertising. There is a tool you can get which enables you to download a list of every follower of any Twitter account and thus you can build your own targeted audience to whom you can advertise.

Another thing that you can do on Twitter is to re-market to people who not only saw your promoted tweet but actually engaged with it! Imagine that. These are people who took some form of action on your tweet, but didn’t actually continue to take the action that you wanted, such as make a purchase. Now you can advertise to that tiny percentage of your most engaged followers. Laser targeting indeed.

Another major benefit of advertising on Twitter is that the cost per click is very low. You can get clicks for pennies.

Photo credit: clasesdeperiodismo via / CC BY-SA