

My name is JASON MCDONALD, and I am an expert witness. By this, I mean – an SEO Expert Witness, a social media expert witness, and an expert witness in Google Ads. I love the complexities of facts and data, the wizardry of online marketing, and the task of taking complex facts and explaining them to a judge and jury. I love facts. I love complexity. But most of all I love teaching – and, in my view, being an expert witness is in many ways just being a solid, fact-based teacher. Beyond my work as an expert witness, I teach for Stanford Continuing Studies, do marketing consulting for businesses (especially local businesses), and have best-selling books on Amazon on search engine optimization, advertising on Google and YouTube, and social media marketing. You can view my author profile on Amazon to learn more.

Alert! Summer 2024 course on Social Media, SEO, and Google Ads now enrolling!

SEO Consultant

SEO Expert, San Francisco Working primarily clients from around the world, I can help your company get to the top of Google, Bing, and even Amazon via search engine optimization consulting. Yes, Sergey & Larry, I am an SEO expert. Learn more.

Social Media Expert

Social Media Consulting, San Francisco, CaliforniaI look out at the world of Facebook marketing, Twitter marketing and even LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Pinterest, TikTok, or YouTube. Yes, Cole Sear, I see marketing opportunities where others see confusion. I can also help with online advertising on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Learn more.

Google Ads Expert

San Francisco Bay Area AdWords ConsultingGoogle Ads (formerly called Google Ads) is like alcohol (and so is advertising on Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn), but I’ll help you ‘drink’ responsibly. Yes, Mr. Po-Po, I can be your designated Google Ads advertising driver (or AdWords certified expert consultant). Learn more.

Expert Witness Services

SEO, AdWords, and Social Media Expert WitnessNeed an expert witness who can explain Search Engine Optimization, Google Ads, or Social Media to a judge or jury? With deposition and trial experience, I can serve as an SEO expert witness, Google Ads expert witness or social media expert witness. Yes, Mr. Judge & Jury, let me draw your attention to this pixel.

Got Questions? Need Answers?

Want to talk? CALL +1-415-655-1071, or peruse this action-packed website to LEARN MORE or, SEND ME AN EMAIL.

Expert Witness Philosophy

As an expert witness, my philosophy is simple: stay close to the facts. Whether I’m engaged as an SEO expert witness to understand the pro’s and con’s of how a company managed (or mismanaged) the SEO of a business, whether I’m figuring out the social media parameters of a YouTube ad campaign, or whether I am data crunching impressions, clicks, and conversions for a Google Ads campaign gone bad – my “guiding star” is the facts. I dig in and understand the facts. I figure out how the facts worked; who did what, when, and how. What went “right” and what went “wrong.” And I take these complex facts – for SEO, for social media, and for Google Ads – and explain them in “lay person’s terms” for a judge or jury. After all, the lawyers, the judges, and the jurors are not experts in digital marketing. I am. I do it. I teach it. I explain it. And I can work as an expert witness focusing on the facts, so that those facts become clear in a deposition, arbitration, or even a trial.

My Books

I publish the Marketing Almanac compilations of free tools for Internet marketing used in my consulting business as well as my corporate training and workshops, as well as workbooks on these topics. To view all my books, check out the Jason McDonald author profile on Amazon. Here are some highlights –

  • Social Media Marketing Book – an overview to social media marketing with deep dives into Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and more.
  • Google Ads (AdWords) Book – my latest book on secrets, tips, and gotchas in Google Ads (formerly, Google AdWords).
  • SEO Book, a ‘how to’ book on search engine optimization

Contact Information

1230 Market Street #709
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel. 415-655-1071
Click to email.

My Blog(s), My Press Release(s), My So-called Life

Read more posts on my blog… Or, read posts from other blogs I write – JM Internet Group Blog

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