Many digital marketing professionals claim they are qualified as an SEO expert witnesses to help fight a case. Not all SEO professionals are the same. Some have spent years managing website content and traffic. finding an expert witness in digital marketingOthers are considered analytics gurus. But suppose a lawyer is serious about finding a reliable expert witness in all things digital marketing. In that case, they will benefit from a top-tier authority with an extensive resume. One who can see both the big picture and small details to connect the dots for a successful outcome in court. That means speaking to the best, most experienced, well-rounded SEO expert witness nearby!

My background spans the SEO digital media marketing universe. I teach, train, and manage in the digital marketing world. I’ve authored books for social media marketing, SEO fitness marketing, and Google Ads. These are practical guides used by students, business owners, and marketing professionals. I know how to communicate with engineers, executives, digital marketing experts, and everyday people (like jurors).


As a forensic SEO expert witness, I know what digital marketers can do to cheat the system and gain an unfair competitive advantage. These are called “Black Hat” strategies and are frowned upon in the industry. My understanding of these tactics can prove or disprove a link to a specific accusation.

Whether a legal team is on the defense or prosecution side, they need to know the facts to win a case. I won’t promise anything I can’t deliver. That means brutal honesty about what the evidence looks like for a client. My research and in-depth analysis help clearly explain the facts and make it very difficult for the opposition. And that’s always been my goal.

Is there a legal team having trouble finding an expert witness in digital marketing? Here I am! My background includes handling contract disputes, trademark infringement, intellectual property, and domain name disputes.

Lawyers ready to speak to one of the best SEO expert witnesses to testify on a case can reach out to me.