When a lawyer needs an expert witness, finding one with specific expertise is essential. For instance, if a case involves fraud around Google Ads, the expert witness should be thorough in their knowledge. expert witness in online advertising And after they gather the facts, it’s time to decipher the data for a judge and jury. The facts don’t “speak for themselves,” so a jury needs an expert witness with several essential skills for success.

Digital media marketing and internet strategies cover a wide range. When strategizing for the broadest reach, the user has many free and paid tools to choose from. There are social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. There are standard website tools like meta tags, keywords, and backlinks. All these tools can be used “organically” (no-paid) or at a cost.


A lawyer looking to create a solid case for their defendant needs an expert witness who’s savvy about SEO networks and strategies. But that’s not enough. To set up a solid defense for a client, an expert witness needs several valuable “soft skills” to make a substantial impact.

Communication Skills: A truly experienced expert witness must be able to translate a complicated SEO and website scenario. If not, expect the eyes of the jury to glaze over as the presenter delves into their testimony. Like discussing taxes or physics, few can pay attention for long because the topic isn’t riveting. The challenge for many wonky experts is their ability to translate their story to someone outside their highly-specialized field. A professional expert witness will “know their audience” and adapt. I like to add a little humor or a simple analogy to create a story in a juror’s mind. Keep it simple so they can connect the dots. If they find the evidence relatable in some way, it helps them understand the facts to make a better decision.


Depth of Topic Knowledge: In the digital media world, plenty of areas of expertise exist. For example, a true knowledge expert in Google Ads (AdWords) has experience in various areas, so they can discuss the “big picture” and sort through the details. They know PPC (pay-per-click) practices are designed to “get more clicks” than the competition. They also know optimization and sneaky tactics designed to edge over others. Thorough analytics and metrics of Google Ads data can show intent and help prove the innocence or guilt of a defendant. Not only do I teach the subject as a professor, but I also produce a yearly Google Ads workbook (https://www.amazon.com/Google-Ads-AdWords-Workbook-Advertising/dp/B0BL4VR5GN/)for the students and the general public.

Understand what the lawyer is looking for: Any expert witness worth their salt will get what a lawyer needs. I’m ready to support any attorney who understands I bring the facts and tell the truth. It’s easier for a jury and judge to understand the meaning of the facts when the source is a trusted expert witness. My reputation is solid after over twenty years as a teacher, consultant, and author in digital media and SEO. As a fact-based expert witness, I won’t compromise. Lawyers searching for a highly-respected expert witness to help with a case can contact me.

Excellent presentation skills: Presentation of the facts is just as important as talking about them. Clear, simple visuals like charts and graphs can help a judge and jury see the connections between the arguments and the data. Visuals in cases of trademark infringement, click fraud or copyright infringement can create a clear picture. As a university professor, my career centers around teaching others the world of digital media and internet strategies. Visuals, like charts, graphs, etc., are my regular practice showing how Search Engine Optimization works (https://www.jasonmcdonald.org/seo-consultant/).

When a lawyer needs an expert witness, it’s valuable to learn not every profession is the same. The expert witness’s job is to bring the facts and then puzzle them out for the jury to understand. As a teacher, consultant, writer, and YouTuber, I can help with the hard and soft skills required to “crack the code” and support a case.