Being an expert witness in Google Ads requires somebody who has a thorough understanding of his or her subject with many years of experience. But there is more to it than that. Being an expert witness in Google AdsIt also requires somebody who not only completely understands the subject, but someone who can take all the technical stuff around that subject and explain it in simple English to people who don’t understand it – in this case a judge and jury.

Being an expert witness requires even more than that. It has to be someone with all the foregoing skills who is not afraid to stand up in a witness box in a court of law and be badgered by the attorneys for the opposition.

When you need an expert witness around anything to do with online work – SEO, advertising, social media, and more – I am your man. Not only do I have all the necessary expertise gained through over 24 years of experience, but I am also very used to standing in a witness box and being badgered by attorneys. In fact, it is all part of the fun! I know how to deal with attorneys. Bring it on!

SEO Is Complex so are Google Ads and Social Media

SEO on its’ own is a complex subject. It is the process behind getting a website to rank on the first page of Google, preferably at the top, and certainly in the first three. Why? Because 50% of all clicks go to the first three websites ranking on page one of Google. Furthermore, only 10% of searchers ever go on to page two, so if you are not one page one, forget it.

Do I know how to get to the top of Google? Try a search for “SEO expert in San Francisco” and see what you get.

OK. So you can see that I know what I am talking about. I am the man you need if you want to get your website to the top of Google because I understand SEO inside out. And you have to work within SEO to understand it because Google keeps changing its’ algorithms, and they don’t announce to all the world what they have done or what they are going to do next. This is why some people find that their website which was sitting happily on page one is suddenly wiped off the face of the earth. That can have the effect of destroying a whole business, so it is essential to understand what it is that Google wants to see.

Being an expert witness, I can help you get to the top of Google and help you if you are involved, or become involved, in any litigation around the subject.